Sunday, March 9, 2014 goes nothing!!

I have been told by many people, many times that I need to start a blog. I either give them a recipe, talk to them about homeschooling and some of the things we do, or they read a status about something crazy my kids have done on facebook and that leads them to comment about how I should start a blog.  I figured I might as well try it out, right?

So a quick background about things around here. I am a mom to three (ages 3, 6, and 11) of the most wonderful kids I have ever met, and have been married to the most awesome guy for 12 years now. We live in a tiny town in west Tennessee. I am so blessed and thankful that my husband works as hard as he can so I can stay home and homeschool the kids. It was a decision we didn't take lightly and one that we went back and forth on for awhile and it has turned out to be one of the best things to ever happen to all of us. I can't imagine it any other way. Do I have days where I would love to pull my hair out? Yes. Do I have days where I hide in the bathroom and cry? Yes. However, the days when I get to see the excitement in my 1st graders eyes as he finishes reading a new book, when my 3 year old writes a perfect letter A, or when my 5th grader tells me something about science that I had no clue about - those days FAR outweigh the bad.

Homeschooling three at three completely different levels definitely takes up quite a bit of time. However, finally finding a good groove in the way they all learn, and finding curriculum choices that we love and that work so well for us has definitely made it a lot easier. We school pretty much year round so we are able to take off whenever we need a break. We love doing it this way.

In the mix of homeschool days I love to cook and bake and love trying new recipes. I am trying to do healthier things lately, but the fact that I love trying new sweets and cupcake recipes doesn't go very well with that at times....but hey we will figure out a good mix one of these days, right? I am also slightly obsessed with fashion for - not me - but for my daughter. It's funny since I am usually in yoga pants and a t-shirt, but I admit I have a lot of fun dressing her. There are a few clothing companies that I am in love with and could talk about all day.

So for now that gives you a little insight into all the crazy happenings in our household. Stay tuned for more!


  1. I'm so excited to see what you do with your blog!

    1. Thanks Lisa! I will need plenty of guidance and you may be my only reader haha!

  2. So excited to follow your blogging adventures! Seems like we have a lot in common!

  3. Love it Brooke.. You're such an inspiration.. such a great mom and teacher! I also love that at the end you mentioned about Amelia's clothes!
