Saturday, March 22, 2014

It's been one of those.....

So yes, it's been one of those weeks, or week and a half I should say. Nothing bad, nothing major,  just life. Kids. School. Doctor appointments. Dentist. Curriculum searching and ordering time. No one is sleeping since the time changed time. Just all of that kind of stuff.

I have a running list of blog ideas I get so excited about, and then by the time the day is over, school is done, house cleaned up, kids bathed and settled down and I think maybe, just MAYBE I can write now, I realize it's 2 A.M. Therefore there has been a slight lag in posting!

School has been busy because we are going to the beach in around 6 weeks or so and there are certain things I definitely want finished up before then so we are doing a little more than usual in a few areas. My little bean has been making leaps and bounds with his reading suddenly and I am so proud of him. My big boy as I mentioned before, finished up science and is almost done with everything else for his 5th grade year as well. The princess is really enjoying her "school" and flying through it like I figured she would.

As far as the curriculum search I mentioned, most things are decided, because they are what we did last year. There are just a few undecided things I have been researching. For the big boy, we want to add in a little more writing and grammar work and there are a couple programs I am looking at for that. He has also mentioned he is interested in learning Latin. The only thing I am really deciding on for Bean is math, and then for the princess I am just going to see how quickly she goes through this. Or at least I tell my planning obsessed self that! Hopefully this week I can get a few more things done.

1 comment:

  1. It I didn't schedule blog time I'd never have anything posted! lol!
